
Spiritual people use the F’ Word

Many in my tribe will tell you how spiritual I am and that my vision is through a kaleidoscope lens.  Through my continuously evolving spiritual journey, I learned how to connect with my God and utilize higher power to for highest good in my own way.  I began to see the more authentic I expressed myself the more connected I became.  It was when I began to share my personal tools that empowered me to find deeper connection, that I realized many are confused by what being spiritual meant.

My faith wasn’t built while I was in the Catholic box I started in (which I am grateful for my building and understanding of God), but grew after I left the box as I call it.  I decided to find my personal direct connection to an infinite unconditional love that was surrounding and within me at all times.  While I have nothing against connection to any particular faith, I just didn’t need the middle man to connect to higher power.

I have always committed to connecting on a daily basis to unconditional love and began to realize that spiritual people often get caught up in the rules.  The rules constructed by a particular doctrine, the rules that were taught by your sage or guru, or the self-inflicted rules that you pick up somewhere along your journey.

These rules determine if you are good or not.  Good at being a spiritual person or not.  It was shocking to me that so many who knew my true connection to higher power were surprised that I get angry and sad and even  occasionally (well more than that) drop the F’Bomb.  That I don’t find their poor actions or habits in any way offensive.  That I can be authentic and talk about my challenging past that at times wasn’t glamourous at all.  It was destructive and painful.  But it’s what made me so authentic and connected.

So being “Spiritual” is more like being authentic and seeing the divine plan in everything and everyone you experience.  Every bully, monster, lover, hater, friend, family member and stranger that crosses your path is orchestrated to get you to grow.  When they appear and push your buttons, I am first in line to support you to applaud, scream, anger, cry, swear and say Fuck as much as you need.

It occurred to me when I would meet with clients wanting to heal, it happened faster when they could be all of the above.  When they could be authentically themselves.  When they lost their connection to the universal higher power because they didn’t fit into the box but still had faith in higher power.  Because spiritual people have painful, angry, down days.  And even when you are expressing in ways that would not seem spiritual or God like, simply expressing is the highest form unconditional self-love.

This was my “ah ha” moment when I found others feeling like they weren’t evolving to higher levels because they were having too many crap days.  No matter how spiritual you are you will still have a rough day and you will still need to purge your feelings and emotions around that day.  As long as it’s expressing authentically and not projecting to another.  What actions or words you use to describe it, is your own choice.  However you do it is always right.  So be love and be authentically you.

Brightest Blessings


2 replies
  1. Molly Rosenbaum
    Molly Rosenbaum says:

    I love how you use the analogy of organized religion as being the “middle man” to having a connection with Source. Your potty mouth is a beautiful expression of your glorious self and mind. YOU ROCK!


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