
Do You Give Good Vibes?

Have you heard someone say…”I get a bad vibe from them.”  It’s a feeling, vibration, resonance and it happens every day.  You feel the energy around you, but many choose to use their intellect to make decisions over their intuition.  Intuition is your gut, heart, feeling instinct.  It’s more intelligent than your mind.  It’s the strongest part of a child before they develop their intellect so they are pretty good at distinguishing between good and not so good vibes.  It’s only when we grow up we are told to use our intellect over our intuition. 

Hmmmm…..now who’s bright idea was this?  Its time to get back to our natural instincts. 

The energy you vibrate at is a good indication of what your external world will mirror.  Vibration or Resonance means like energies attract.  Who do you resonate with?

Just as the sound of a musical instrument in or out of tune, your life will resonate with your thoughts if they as well are in or out of tune.

One of the coolest ways to demonstrate resonance is to use two guitars. Pluck a string on one of the guitars. Now lightly touch the same string on the second guitar. It will be vibrating because it has the same frequency as the string you plucked.

Your thoughts are energy. And just like the plucked guitar string caused similar energy to start vibrating so too will your thoughts. What you think has a corresponding resonance. Your thoughts match up with similar objects and circumstances

Be careful not to start vibrating at a poor frequency because someone near and around you is. Like the example of “birds of a feather flock together”. This is often the case when we do the work on ourselves to raise our vibration with loving thoughts and actions. We begin to feel as if we don’t fit with the old individuals we use to, as they are still vibrating at the old.

You are human. You have emotions. If someone is around you vibrating with a strong frequency you will too. If it is a weak frequency, dis-engage; be compassionate but not empathic to take on their poor vibrations.  The fastest way to override another’s low vibration is with love.  A compliment, blessing or kind gesture will keep you strong in loving vibration and intercept the flow of their low vibration of insecurity, fear, guilt or anger.  Its not for you to judge, just refrain from resonating with their frequency if it does not feed you with love and blessings.

Remember every thought you have is energy and vibrates, so make it sound like a beautiful song.

Brightest Blessings,


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