
Get out of the Fear Funhouse

If you knew all your fears were illusions would you change?  Do you remember walking into a funhouse at the fair standing in front of the warped mirrors and laughing at how funny you looked?  You knew it was just an illusion but not what you really look like.  The interesting thing is we look into mirrors daily that are not warped, but instead project the warped illusions in our minds of how we think we should be. We only see a warped image.  You see your face, body, skin, hair, clothes, etc… as imperfect.  Afraid that you aren’t good enough for others.  You have a warped illusion of what you were told those things should look like by a family, media, friends or even strangers and accepted their ideas as true for you.

So this image of what you were told is etched into your mind as what you should be to be strong, healthy, beautiful and loveable.  This is the biggest crock of crap and it really irritates me.   I deal with this in clients on a daily basis.  It truly breaks my heart to see what others are doing and saying to themselves that stops them from feeling whole and complete.  Somewhere in their life they walked into someone else’s warped mirror of illusion and was told to believe it.

We have all come to a place in our lives where we are waking up and realizing its time to love ourselves from inside out and top to bottom.  This realization has been slowly arising in every soul but it seems with so much devastation and destruction in the world lately, people are slowly waking up to the fact that they can take back their power and truly love themselves no matter what suffering they have endured, instead of looking for outside validation to complete them.  Their happiness depends on them and no one else.

This happens by cleaning out the disillusioned images sitting in your mind of what makes you beautiful and whole.  What it means to love yourself and who you are as a loving kind person.  Standing in the mirror and loving what stares back at you.  Deciding to wake up to what some call wrinkles, you now see as laughter lines.  What some see as disfigured scars you see as battle badges.  What others see as fat you see as the best carrot cake of your life.

Changing the paradigm in your mind is as simple as loving every part of you that includes the parts you think are unlovable.  Loving those parts is crucial in changing the illusions that are only in your mind and not in the mirror.  Love is the most healing drug on the planet so starting today….

Look in the mirror and say to yourself….I LOVE…. And go down the list of all the things you don’t feel are loveable traits.   If any of those images have poor images attached to them, loving your fat, scars, lines, hair, clothes, etc… will either encourage needed change due to your love for yourself or it will become more beautiful to yourself each time you see how incredibly amazing you truly are.

Example: If your fat is affecting your health, loving it begins to dissolve all the emotions you have about it and energetically you begin to see it either melt away or find it no longer has any power over your self worth allowing you to find a happy weight.  Loving your worry lines begins to fade them from your sight and create laughter lines instead.

You will be surprised when you love those things within you, the love radiates out to others to do the same.  Don’t be surprised when you get complimented on one of the things you started loving about yourself.  I’ll be the first…

You Are Beautiful!!!

Brightest Blessings,


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