
Walls Direct You to Love Yourself More.

When you’re being presented with a wall, don’t try to climb it.  Don’t try to get around it.  Choose a different direction instead.  Its appearance is encouraging you to turn your compass.  It’s showing you that this direction you have been walking is the end of the road.  You are not on the wrong path, you are just ready for a detour to a better path.  Pressure, stress and pain arise to give you wake up calls.  How you address it is up to you.

Many find endings and closure as defeat.  When it’s really waking you up to a new more empowering reality.  Lately many have been feeling the energy whirling around making us feel anxiety, nervous, insecure, pressure and down right off.  This is the WALL of energy in your life asking you to redirect your path.  Everyone is being asked to step up to their greatest gifts and start using them to make their lives better.  Living in old worn out thought patterns are no longer working.  So we are being given a universal push to make a change.  Unfortunately it’s happening in very quick life changing experiences.

We are seeing people passing into heaven out of the blue, ending of relationships, career changes and family dynamics shifting as well.  This is all part of our evolution.  Accepting the pressure that’s pushing us to release old habits fast so we can embrace love.

What is love? Love is taking care of ourselves and doing what makes us truly happy.  You are being pushed to end old patterns that are abusive, draining and unproductive so you can be lighter.  When you have empty space, you can then choose to fill it with self-love.  Self-love seems to be a challenge for many since they feel it stops you from caring for others.  But really the healthier and more loving you are to yourself the more you have to give to others.  Self-love is filling your tank with the things that fill your heart and soul.

Ask yourself, what do I love? And how do I engage in that?  What do you need and start giving yourself? The old paradigm of thinking is reaching outside of yourself to find happiness and love from others.  But it’s a backwards paradigm and counterproductive.  By filling your soul you become the beacon of light to show others how to do the same.  And you begin to help others by simply being an example of self-love.  So the next time you hit a wall, ask yourself what would a person who loved themselves do?  Bang your head against an un-moveable situation or do what makes you happy?  This will allow you to shift your direction to a healthier, happier and more loving path.

Brightest Blessings


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