
Does the Sky care if Clouds Show Up?

clouds-deserveitDoes the Sky care if clouds show up?


Does it stay true to being a beautiful sky at all times?

What is the state of just being? This is a topic that comes up in conversation often but seems to elude most as how to do it. “JUST BE” that is.

Then I realized its as simple as paying attention to your demeanor during those moments, hours, days when everything you planned goes every way except how you planned. That is how to test yourself in just being.

Yesterday upon waking following getting the chaos of the kids out to school complete, aahhhh….off to a nice meditative run just for me. But as i am with ipod in hand walkin out the door to get some fresh air, the little voice inside my head said you better check to see if you are prepared for your first client, so as i walk back in to check, i realize i am not and need to skip my run to make another run into town for products necessary for this clients success.

Yes, it did unnerve me a bit, but not for long, i adapted poured a big cup of coffee, got in care enjoyed a morning drive. The run was just not in the cards for the day. By just accepting the day for what it was, it allowed me to just go with the flow and not allow the inconvenience to trip me up.

Next time your day is interupted with surprises, try to just be in that moment and not analyze it as you are missing out on what you had planned. It will all happen when you let go in its own time.

Brightest Blessings


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