
Are you Thinking Roses or Garbage?

The Universe Law is impartial. It will give you anything you believe. It will throw you garbage or roses depending on the energy you put in. You are the one in charge, and you must accept that and stand alone. If you think God is coming down to fix things for you, forget it. God is out playing golf.-Stuart Wilde

So as I truly try to approach each day practicing what i preach, there are days when i find that all the hard work and practice that i have put into myself pays off. As in any endeavor, hard work and persistance always pays off. So some times we forget just how easily our thoughts can have a proufound effect on our lives. This effect is only more potent when the outcome is not as we wished for. That is when the inevitable “Why did this happen to me?” recording goes off in your head.

Simply put, you let your “idi” beliefs slip for too long in the garbage direction. To the “i dont deserve it” direction. Now i dont believe we do it consciously, but when enough thorns and pressure bumps us we tend to lose faith in sicking to our strongest deserveing beliefs. When the pressure, circumstances, and experiences are so trying that we refuse to settle for anything less than what we truly believe we deserve. Those are the times that we get rewarded for when we arent expecting it to show up.

But as i have found, that if you are going to talk the talk but you are not walking the walk, Garbage!!! look around you and match up your external circumstances with what your internal self talk is. If there is any mismatching…. then its time to get to work on both so they match. Just because you think something does not mean your life will change unless you do something. So Believing and Doing go hand in hand!

Its quite amazing when you start getting the good stuff. Sometimes even surreal that your thoughts are that powerful when you are committed to Roses.

REMEBER…You have to BELIEVE you DESERVE IT so the universe can give you that.

Brightest Blessings


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