
What is Love?

One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is Love. — Sophocles

Whew, just saying it in your head makes you smile. Imagine what abusing the word can do to this planet. It has the power to heal pain, support forgiveness, reconnect people, remove sadness and empower people to act in a state of compassion and kindness.

How have we all become so misaligned that we are unaware of the divine love that resides within us all. When we connect to that divine source for refueling, we are able to give this love to everyone around us at all times.

Is it a feeling, is it a thing, is it a force or is it a knowing? Are we in search of something outside ourselves, unaware of the thing we search for is within us the whole time we are searching.

Asking so many about their understanding of one word, LOVE, it seems that each person has a distinct perspective on what they think love is and how it makes them feel. What is the most interesting in asking this question of others, is that most are not able to give me a specific place as to where it is found.

So I ask, is love something you get, give or are?

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