

“Trauma-logy”…Is when Your physical biology is still responding to the story of your old trauma.

Who would you be if you weren’t telling your old traumatic story?

After 10 years of listening to clients tell me about their physical challenges, I found the theme of their illness or pain was correlated to their trauma. Many people tell me their physical symptoms began after the trauma and although it is years following the traumatic event, they are still experiencing it physically.

Now the trauma for some was a terrible experience and for some is was an argument, a partnership ending, business failure, serious accident or as far back as being adopted at birth. But for all it affected them deeply.

Each persons trauma is unique in their own mind of how it happened and how it still haunts them. The tricky part is, holding on to it for years begins to degrade the cells of the physical body as well. Learning to forgive yourself and others starts to cut the cords to the trauma. The memory won’t disappear, but your biological connection to it will begin to heal.

People get so skilled at telling the story of the event that they become the event, so it stays real. The truth is, it is no longer real and no longer has power unless you feed it.

By continually telling your old traumatic story you are feeding it and by doing so telling your cells in your body to react as if the fear and pain are still true today.

By focusing on your passion and finding a new healthy story to live, your cells respond to that new thought pattern and begin to create that new biology in you.

Forgive, Choose a new story and begin taking steps to towards it. This will become your new health-ology!

Brightest Blessings,

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