
Is a Soul Mate in your best interest?

Do you want to find your soul mate? Yes, but not for reasons you may think. If you’re looking for your soul mate you might want to rethink why. Our soul mate is that person that comes in to our lives to mirror us, to show us the other side of ourselves that we cant see. So the initial contact is often electric and magical. Like an instant “oh I know you” moment. Its intense, possibly overwhelming and not sustainable. Its very likely amazing. Now once the amazing begins to wear off, as I would like to call it… “The Representative”…exits the building. You know, the shiny, put together, best presentation of themselves version, the representative of the real them. As the Representative leaves, you begin to see the imperfections and wounds.

This happens to wake you up, get your attention and say, look at yourself, is this ok with you. Very often this is a shock! “What?….Thats your stuff’… we say. Not really, we draw our mirror images and more so we search for our Soul Mate to help us see our weaknesses so we can make a change or shift in our own personal life. This is a gift from them and as it may seem frustrating and unfair given you want the Amazing, its for your highest good to meet and then very likely leave. They came to help you grow. Once the task is done, they often are gone.

What we do want on the other hand is a life mate. Our champion, best friend, confidant, and cheeleader. This still may have passion, but its often more gentle and calming, as opposed to stimulating and intense.

So when you are considering a relationship ask yourself am I looking for a life partner or a soul mate? The one we seek isn’t often the one we need.

Brightest Blessings,

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