

The greatest love is found in the shadows.  As we walk into a Mercury Retrograde phase, the stars seem to have aligned, bringing us face to face with our image of love.  Where is your image love? It’s in your subconscious vibration.  It’s the vibration you send out into the universe, pinging like a submarine would under the surface.  In the darkness the sub sends out a ping of sonar.  Then it feels the vibration of what it hits.  We are no different sending out our subconscious vibes that come from our darkness down below the surface.  But the vibes that ping out of us are our feelings and beliefs.  So, you may think you are looking for a healthier partner consciously, ‘sub’consciously you are just pinging your vibes out for others with the same shadows of equal vibration.

So why do I bring up the dark vibes if I’m talking about love?

Because I want love for you and this is how you get it.  If you don’t acknowledge your shadow and stop feeding it the same morsels of old worn out stories and beliefs.  You will continue to struggle to find the deepest unconditional intimate love.  This is what everyone searches for, yet are baffled as to why they keep sabotaging their relationships.

Whether dating or committed, everyone enters into the “Representative” phase of relationships: a time when it’s all airy-fairy and we give everything to sell our greatest self.  Once the representative you sent to sell yourself begins to fade, after some time dating, marriage or friendship, we begin to get comfortable and our shadow pops out.

Our partner triggers an old wound or belief.  A belief you learned by the time you were 8 years old.  Once this poor belief is triggered we go into blaming the other partner for false representation.  They ask you… “What happened to the old you?” Nothing happened…


The answer is: the REAL you has arrived.  Just as every other person, you have a shadow that can’t hide forever.  This shadow is the basis of all your successes and challenges in life.  This dark side that many avoid is the holy grail of freedom, success, abundance and love.  Everything we do is an expression of love or fear.  Expressing ourselves through partners, career, health, hobbies, etc…


Our image of love is based on what we believe we deserve subconsciously.  So if you learned when you were a child that love is… Silent, emotionally empty, non-expressive, abusive, absent, critical or with strings attached.  You will attach that same feeling to all the things you love as well because its programmed into your subconscious like a song you’ve memorized.

Are those feelings healthy to attach? Of course not, but remember they are coming from feelings which reside in your ‘sub’conscious and they drive your every move.  And you don’t even know you are vibrating them.  Even when you do everything to change your experiences consciously, your feelings are driving your sub.


Instead of asking WHAT you fear, it’s more important to ask what your fears FEEL like, to raise your vibration of love.  If you fear ANOTHER bad relationship, job, or financial hurdle, start exploring your beliefs around it.  I have seen countless breakthroughs when they realize it was their own inner feeling that was vibrating out an unrealized belief of lack.  Hindering success and connection. 


We have two feelings we can experience and every other one is just an extension of them: Love or Fear.  So if you aren’t drawing loving experiences into your life, you are vibrating out fear that’s coming from down under.  Most likely, you aren’t even aware of it.  It’s easy to access if you just ask yourself to go to the things you don’t want and find out what you fear about them? If you keep repeating them, the fear vibration is definitely present. It’s like subconsciously repeating a belief you learned when you were little.
(Keep asking the same question if you have to, to get to the core feeling)

Fear Questions:

  • If I stayed in this relationship what would I feel like? (controlled, unloved, restricted)
  • If I lost my job what would I feel like? (poor, judged, insecure)
  • If I fail what would it feel like? (unworthy, incompetent, sad)
  • If I’m alone, what would I feel like? (unwanted, degraded, ugly)

(Finding the shadow feeling helps you to reveal what you vibrate and turn it around)


Then the answers you get from the fear questions; turn the feelings into the opposite.

Love Questions:

  • Ask yourself what would Unconditional love feel like?  (calming, secure, safe, free)
  • What would financial security feel like? (peaceful, empowering, bliss)
  • What would career success feel like? (affirmed, empowered, excited)
  • What would emotionally engaged feel like? (open, engaged, connected)

If your ‘Sub’conscious is use to feeling crappy, it will take some time to auto correct.  But, by making the LOVE feelings in your life non-negotiable, you begin to change the sonar vibe you send out to the universe of what you want to create in the future with your partner.  Repeat these feelings daily.  You’ll then begin to vibrate love and you will resonate with others who are on the same frequency.  You won’t have to look, it will find you.

So, as you journey into this celestial alignment of energy asking everyone to reflect on their relationships.  Reflect on yourself and what shadow you need to heal or relationship shadow you need to become accountable too.  Then you will free yourself from old patterns so you can embrace true love.

It will begin to vibrate into your entire life financially, spiritually, physically and emotionally.  Your career, partner and friends will respect you more and thank you for it.

Brightest Blessings,



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