You can’t see air, yet you continue to breath. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there.

FAITH is believing in what you can’t see…your dreams are there even when you can’t see them, don’t give up!

If I could tell you the one part of the triad of life that I see with clients and freinds who struggle the most with everyday life are those who have compromised their faith for mind and body. The mind, body, spirit connection is no mistake when you see those individuals who have been through the greatest challenges, pains and traumas. The one part that is always strong for the most successful is their spirit.

Their faith is strong because they know WHY they get out of bed everyday is something bigger than themselves. Its faith that their purpose here on earth is to make it better in some way. To be better themselves. Spirit is inside all of us and it is a reflection of a bigger divine presence. We all pray, talk to God or simply have conversations with the universe. Whatever you believe, its just your vehicle to knowing when your spirit is weak in strength. Spiritual fitness is just as important as physical fitness. Connecting to the unconditional love that surrounds all of us. Without connection, we feel emptiness in some way. We have sad eyes, heads down, almost disconnected from that which makes us one.

Faith is believing in spirit to listen to your soul, direct you to where your soul is destined to be and fill you with strength for whatever is in front of you, you believe you are capable of that task.

Faith is believing in what you can not see but knowing it in your soul.
How often do you do what lifts your spirit and brings love and joy to your heart and soul? That is your indication to start exercising your spiritual faith.

Talk to spirit daily just as you would exercise your body daily. Strengthen your faith and you will feel the balance of mind, body and spirit begin.

Brightest Blessings,

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