
3 Reasons you are not at peace

Why is it such a challenge to find peace and joy in our lives?  It isn’t unattainable; its actually pretty easy. The challenge is to overcome our attachment to the outcome.  We have become so attached to labels and outcomes and this mentality inhibits our ability to just accept circumstances.  By living in the moment with each circumstance, we can address each one with solutions instead of disappointment.

Labeling gets us into emotional trouble because it sets us up for disappointment.  It defines an experience in black or white and lessens our ability to see the experience for what it is;  Just an experience.

When you decide something must culminate in a certain way you set yourself up for suffering.  You set yourself in a state of fear…Fearing the experience won’t turn out as you expect.  Fear then blocks you from seeing the lesson the experience was designed to give you.  The universe is quite brilliant in providing you exactly what you need to evolve and grow.  Attachment to the outcome is what stops growth.  It may not be the outcome you want but it’s always the outcome you need.

Using these 3 tools you will keep yourself open to each experience as a teacher for your growth.

  1. Decide what your purpose is… What do you want in life and why?  I call it your WAW.  It’s as simple as 3 words.  Example:
    “I raise self worth”, “I inspire love”, “I empower with compassion”, etc…  Choose a purpose that lifts others and yourself, instead of labels.  You know what you want to be, just decide.
  2. Silver Platter… When you are in a difficult situation and you wish for an outcome hand it up to the universe on a silver platter. Imagine the person, thing or experience shrunk down to the size of a silver platter in your hand. Hand that platter of thing(s) up the universe, divine, angels, God (your belief) to work out for you. Let Go!
  3. Become non-attached to the outcome…  Address it when it comes back to you.  Detachment is ignoring the situation all together and attachment is being set on an outcome that may not be for your highest good.  Trust how the situation transpires; its perfect in that moment.  Address it when it reappears in your life.

The next time you find yourself in a challenge don’t fix it until its ready to be fixed.  For example; you need to talk to your partner about something that is bothering you.  You want it fixed now and are determined to see a specific outcome.  You are on a mission to obtain the outcome that you are attached to and you are frustrated.

Stop and try these 3 steps instead:

  1. Your purpose: “Raise the self worth” of the other person.  Are you attached to an outcome or living your purpose?
  2. Put it on silver platter: hand it up to to the universe and be patient.
  3. Become non-attached to the outcome: when it reappears, the solution will be apparent.

You have the power to live at peace and to live the life you deserve.

Brightest Blessings,


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