Do Your Words Match Your Actions?

Do Your Words Match Your Actions? Are you telling the world one thing and acting out another?

How often do you hear others complaining and whining about their lives?  They want a healthy relationship, or body, or career, or education, friends, children, clothes, activities, etc…  yet, it’s not as common to see them showing you the  actions needed to acquire those things.  I believe people truly have a desire for more, bigger and better, it’s the effort and attention needed to get it that presents the challenge.  You will not get the love of your life by simply talking about it.  You will not fall more in love with your spouse by simply telling them you love them more.  Or better yet asking them to love you better.

You will only attract what you physically put energy into.  Creating a vacuum for the universe to fill in the new space or openings in your life. So when you energetically become the thing you desire, it’s like a magnet attracting that same person to you as a vibrational match. By stating your desire for the ultimate love of your life, you should be ready and willing to do the work necessary to match that love you state you desire.  Because if you don’t you will simply attract who you are right in this exact moment even if they are just a sliver of a match to your weakest part of yourself.  Do the work.  Do what it takes to make your words match your actions.

Write down a list of what you want? Be clear and then make a list of all your actions in a day. Then circle the actions and words that match or do you have miss-matching lists.
Your actions are what make your words real.
Go for it and start one small action daily to manifest your dreams.
Brightest Blessings,

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