
Faith On the Fence

What is spirit?
Spirit Defined: is the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.

Spirituality has become the new word for divine connection. While I find many still participate in religious rituals that have been taught throughout the ages, it seems many are fading away from the box as I would call it. I refer to religion as the box only to correlate it with the many religious structures that people congregate to in order to find their connection with God. I don’t disagree with the various boxes many congregate to for their prayer services. I just find that it seems to restrict many to the fear of thinking outside of the structure or box they are accustomed to. I personally believe there is One God, we just all have different names and traditions in how to access our God. Whether you are religious or spiritual or both, I am finding a great lack of faith in spirit, which resides within each of us.

Spiritality is now the phrase I often hear…”Im not religious, Im spiritual.” What does that mean? I can only assume, it means they don’t need the box to connect with their divine source. The source of God that we all have within each of us. Does this source of unconditional love, truth and oneness have to be found from a book or house of God? Not according to so many who are finding the love of God and unconditional love they have within from their own personal experiences. Many are now finding God without written direction.

This fascinates me in the sense, when those who are spiritual have no book to follow, but say… I believe in a higher source that embodies all knowing, truth, love and compassion, I just get confused on how to communicate and receive the message.

There is a simple answer, get quiet and pray, mediate or just talk to God. Ask for answers, solutions and scenarios that would make your current challenge better. It seems the asking part comes natural in the daily chatter that takes place in everyones heads. Its the receiving an answer from God that escapes most. And then leaves them questioning their faith.

Opening your mind to the answers is how to receive. Answers come in every form such as animals appearing, songs playing, thoughts appearing or people showing up out of the blue with the message. Pay attention, if you ask for an answer, you will receive an answer. It’s your responsibility to accept it and act on it. Its as if we don’t think the message can be that simple, so we dismiss it. God is always answering, accepting it is the challenge.

If you find your faith is on the fence, try talking to god, angels, spirit or universe and then be specific in asking for how you would like the answer. Such as saying God, if the answer is yes to what I am asking, please show me a nickle.

You will then see nickels everywhere. Knowing its divine guidance to your prayer. If you want to know if its a no, ask for a word such as ‘box’ to appear. It doesn’t matter what symbols you use, just ask for answers in symbols which is easier for spirit to communicate as its on a different vibrational plane, so it needs a neutral communication tool.

Try it and see how your faith in spirit grows as well as the unconditional love of God within you grows as well.

With Love,

2 replies
  1. Wayne
    Wayne says:

    What a great article and thought for the week ahead. Thanks Daune for your simply yet thought provoking address of an issue many face. Asking, yet not receiving due to lack of listening! God bless your efforts in helping all find their path and purpose. Wayne


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