
Junk in your Trunk

How cluttered is your external world? Our external worlds are often a reflection of our internal worlds. You tend to see those who are skating by struggling to improve their lives in one or many ways will exhibit cluttered, overstimulated…

Be a Quitter

idi~ VLog tip of the day Be a Quitter! Happy Friday Everyone! ~Daune

Passing your Vulnerability Test

How do you determine if you can truly trust someone?  It's one of the big challenges we face in relationships, allowing another to see our vulnerable side.  You want to let them in and give them the key to your deepest fears under pad lock.…

Just Pick

How often do you hear others telling you whats wrong in their lives.  Or what they wish they could do or even better describing in detail every person in their life that is hindering them from getting what they want.  How does this repetitive…


Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image. -Unknown Does your world reflect who you want to be? BIG changes are intimidating & often short lived. Small ones are easiest & tend to stick long term. Go get your dreams..one…

Boundaries aren’t for others…

Do you every wonder why you do things for others and aren't getting the same attention in return? When you are giving and not getting?  When you are asking and not receiving? This has nothing to do with others, it is a direct reflection of…

Do Nothing

As a personal development coach I am often asked for solutions to challengeing situations. It's often a surprise when my suggestion is to do nothing. It's not as if I am suggesting, do nothing ever, just not at this given moment in time.…

Road Block Removal for 2015

Did 2014 bring you a pebble or a boulder?  As we wind down to the last day of the year, we find ourselves in a purge mode.  Many are reviewing their last 12 months, maybe even your last 12 years as I have found in many of my clients and examining…

Go where you are Scared

In the new year many are setting goals to manifest better lives.  They are finding they have been trying to manifest the same thing for years and not achieving their dreams.  Manifesting is more than affirmations and goals. Manifesting a…