
Will it Take Trauma or Re-Patterning?

When is your paradigm shifted?  Everyone has a paradigm which is your personal set of beliefs.  Similar to a blueprint that guides you to take action.  What makes your blueprint right and another’s wrong?  Nothing!  Everyone’s beliefs are just beliefs until you choose to change them.  But changing a paradigm happens only after repeating a new skill that becomes etched into the blueprint or a trauma that rips a hole in the blueprint.

I would never wish a trauma on anyone.  But it seems when people are stuck on how the blueprint of their life should unfold is contradicting the beliefs of their paradigm, they get confronted with changing their beliefs.  You must accommodate new thought patterns, habits and skills forced on by some traumatic event.

Often our society views pain and challenges as bad.  This is only bad if you see the experience as anything other than life changing and shifting you to a greater awareness with a new belief.  The pain and trauma often appears to push you off the cliff.  Opening your mind to a new set of beliefs that say you can fly.  You can do something the old belief restricted.  You can let go of thought patterns that keep you in the blue print of an old house that you have outgrown.

We are waking up to a new time and space where we are more aware of how we can manifest all of our dreams.  But in order to do that, we must reset our unsupportive beliefs.  We must be willing to repeat new behaviors, skills and thoughts that might not agree with our old paradigm.  A paradigm that we were taught by someone else as true.

Repetition of new habits has to be a daily action to change an old habit that doesn’t serve you with a new habit that resets your blue print.  Its like erasing a wall on a blueprint of a house but you can see a faint line still left where the wall use to be.  It will remind you at times of what your old beliefs were but only affect you if you return with a pen and redraw that line for a wall again.  Its challenging not to go back and do what you know habitually unless you are out drawing new lines and doors that design an addition onto the old blueprint to redirect your focus.  The erased line will have less meaning if you aren’t focused on it.  Your focus will be to make the new bolder and deeper lines of the addition into your belief set.  Becoming your new paradigm.

This happens more drastically when trauma of some sort happens in your life.  It forces you to build the addition fast and immediately.  It puts you in a state of immediate repair and encourages the dissolve of old beliefs that no longer serve your wounded state.  It often happens when you search for a more abundant life and get lazy on re-patterning .  The universe in some way helps us by force.  An accident, death, betrayal, injury etc. forces you to do things you were avoiding.  Forces you to build a new cooler addition to your blueprint.  So if it appears in your life, don’t be shocked that it appeared, it’s to make you greater.

Repetition or Trauma are how your paradigm gets shifted.  It’s only up to you to determine what you want shifted and when.  When challenging times arise, open your mind to the opportunity of resetting your blueprint to a new healthier blueprint that you are ready for.  Look for the lesson and build a new belief and pattern to support growth.  No matter if you choose to re-pattern a new one today willingly or get forced to immediately.  Let it make you more powerful than you were yesterday.

Brightest Blessing,


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