
Unconditional Love

Unconditonal love seems to be tossed around in conversation lately as if the “conditional” part is thrown out by the “un”. I am finding that it’s a sign of those who refuse to take responsibility of their own unconditional self love. So they use the term loosely…”I am loving them unconditionally.”

I have heard clients tell me well…”If if love them unconditionally…I have to love the bad stuff too.” Not true! If you love unconditionally it should be without absolutes on your part as well. Unconditional love does not meant put up with poor, destructive behavior from others.

It means love them enough to let them fall down and learn the lesson they are meant to. Stop enabling and dismissing poor behavior. It means setting your own unconditionally loving boundaries that prevents others from taking advantage of you. If you are going to be unconditional love, it must start with you so you understand how too give it.

Loving others unconditionally requires you to let them fall down, make mistakes and get back up on their own. Not judging how they do it or when they will make it up again. Loving enough to let go. Trusting that its their journey not yours.

Most of all, unconditionally loving yourself. Take care of you first, so your heart is strong and healthy enough to teach it when others need it. Unconditional Love starts with you loving you with no conditions from others. Do you love yourself unconditionally?

Brightest Blessings,

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