Seminars & Training

Effective Communication

The ability to interact effectively with people is the key that allows one to excel in life, professionally as well as personally. It is also critical to business management and team development. People are unique and must be motivated, communicated with and supported in a way that capitalizes on their strengths. Effective communication varies according to behavioral styles. The failure to understand how others communicate differs from one another, whether it is overt or invisible and can create unnecessary conflict.

Without a doubt, communication effectiveness enhances openness, trust and greater stimulation for results & organization. This course will change the way you respond and interact with others by adding simple tools to your communication style. The strongest leaders have the strongest communication skills.

You will learn to:

  • Develop skills to communicate more effectively.
  • Dissolve communication barriers.
  • Effective methods for communicating with family, friends, employers, spouse, etc….
  • Communicate to be understood.
  • Speak with confidence and clarity.

Contact us today to find out about this Seminar!

Motivational Training

Self Mastery Boot Camp

When you master yourself, your world becomes a masterpiece.
Excelling organizations have one thing in common.
Extraordinary Performance at the top, shows at the bottom.

Maximize your potential in Every aspect of your life with idi Boot Camp!

When your life is balanced, it shows!



  • Personal Self – Eradicate old, limiting beliefs that keep you playing small in every way with personal development coaching.
  • Professional Presence – Get Clarity, Direction & Accountability within your work and friends.
  • Partnerships – Create partnerships that support instead of drain you, personally and professionally.
  • Social Presence – Build confidence in your social settings (Appearance/Communication Skills)

It’s time to redirect your thoughts from an environment that has been a factor defining who you are, how you feel, or how you live.

When you stand in the life you deserve, no matter where you are within your business, within yourself, or within your family, you will emerge and stand in success.

All work and no play makes for imbalance. idi has created an event with both. You will leave these idi courses with Success tools that will hold you accountable to SUCCESS.

Contact us today to find out about this Training!

Relationship Training

Building Relationships

Re-slicing your wheel & deciding what type of relationships you deserve

Sometimes the relationship that needs the most work is the one that you have with yourself. After a dozen years of work with some of the leading experts on healthy relationships, we established our own practice eight years ago to coach and support individuals who have the same questions we did: How do I change this repetitive behavior that keeps sapping the energy and fun out of life?

  • Are your relationships enabling, disruptive, empowering or supportive?
  • Are your Strengths and Challenges valued by others?
  • Develop skills that empower the relationships around you.
  • Design a plan to determine what you deserve.
  • Build skills to accept empowering relationships and not destructive ones.

Contact us today to find out about this Training!


I Deserve IT!

Daune Thompson has developed a 4 Step Deserving System to link you to success. Master this idi System to begin living the life you Deserve!

This system of concepts and techniques teaches people to communicate more effectively, manage emotions and improve overall professionalism, wellness and confidence.Daune gives a breakthrough approach that incorporates the most recent findings in positive psychology, powerful tools and techniques, and moving real-life stories. This life changing program will help you raise your bar to make breakthroughs in all areas of your life.

4 Step idi System
Self Worth development
Empowerment Training

Contact us today to find out about this Keynote!


Stop Self Sabotage Before It Stops You
Transform Your Life Today!
Realize your inner Strength

Maximize your Potential to
Live, Work & Play like a Champion!
Each of these life topics flow into each other and each effects the others!
Honesty and self worth determines your confidence in overcoming any challenges.

  • Self Esteem Success
  • Building Self Confidence
  • Re-Claim your own self image
  • Replace worn out strategies
  • Drama Detox

The idi system Training Programs and Workshops can be learned in groups or in individual, couples or family trainings as well. Its relevance applies to both work and home settings.

This program is based on a 4-Step Model that can be used for interpersonal as well as professional development in everyones lives.How you react to relationships with others, whether it’s your business partners, personal partners, parents, siblings or children can reveal deep truths about your true core values.

How you interact or react to each person is a directly connected to how you feel about yourself. Throughout life we unconsciously drag pieces of luggage carrying unresolved issues to all areas of life, interrupting our inner compass. Detoxing Drama empowers you to create a lighter and more effective and successful life.

Contact us today to find out about this Keynote!

Please ask about additional Courses available and how they can be customized to fit each organizations needs. 480.703.2019