You cannot have a happy ending to a miserable journey.
You have chosen your current road for a reason,
pay attention to the message its teaching instead of focusing on the weeds,
nothing is an accident.
-Daune Thompson…
We're all just walking each other home.
New & old souls in your life are there to enlighten you in some'll walk with some temporarily...& some your entire journey.
Trust the shift in your compass, if your encouraged…
We accept the love we think we deserve
- The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky
Consider the relationships in your you deserve them?
If yes, say "I DESERVE IT" If not, decide you deserve more love today!!
Understand yourself better than you understand others.
Understanding ALL of YOU... Gifts & Challenges,
makes relating to others less challenging from building a greater internal self confidence.
~Daune Thompson
Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.
Decide WHAT & WHO you want to be, then others opinions are irrelevant & less able to detour your journey.
-Daune Thompson
Don’t Settle
The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.
Decide what you deserve, repeat it to yourself daily & be willing to accept nothing less by reminding yourself "I Deserve It"
-Daune Th…
Let go of beliefs that are not true! Question why you believe it and if its true right at this moment?
If not, replace that belief with something better!
-Daune Thompson
He who conquers himself has won a greater victory than he who conquers a city.
Do you have a memory that tells you your not enough? Don't allow alarming thoughts to continue...silence the alarm by reciting I DESERVE MORE repeatedly...until…
When a child is loud/disrespectful its to get love & attention.
When an adult is...its for the same reason.
Develop your compassion.
What goes around comes around & you will be grateful when that compassion is returned to you.
A man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.
-Bhagavad Gita
If who you are is not who you want to be, change your beliefs to match who you want to be.
-Daune Thompson