

Don't judge another by his opinion of himself. We are all our own biggest critics, be the person who sees their gifts. They might not see it until you show them how amazing they are. - Daune Thompson ​


You are born to succeed. You Must believe in yourself where you don't feel success! Then you will see what you were born to do! -Daune Thompson​

Like yourself

If you like yourself, then you will like other people, too! Looking for goodness in others is challenging when you don't see it in yourself. Start by liking YOU Today. -Daune Thompson ​

Muddy water

Muddy water, let stand becomes clear. -LaoTzu A mind overloaded, receives clarity in solitude. Slow down to find the clarity you seek. -Daune Thompson​


Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength. Do something today that scares you, YOU ARE stronger than you believe! ~Daune Thompson​


Suffering is a good teacher to those quick & willing to learn from it. But becomes a tyrant to those who resist & resent. -Yogananda Challenges repeating in your life spiritually, physically or emotionally are trying to teach a…


100% of the shots you don't take, don't go in. -WayneGretzky If you want something you must take a chance, possibly several chances... the more practice makes...greater odds of success.-Daune Thompson​

like attracts like

Like attracts like. Whatever the conscious mind thinks & believes, the subconscious identically creates. -B.Adams What are you thinking? Its what you are getting! -Daune Thompson ​


Most limiting beliefs were programmed in childhood & now don't apply to your adult life. Stop setting limits that are not there! -Daune Thompson​


Trusting yourself brings trust to others. If you want to be more trusting, you must trust yourself to do what's right for you first! -Daune Thompson​