
Less Drama

Do you want less Drama? Focus less on others and more on yourself.

Drama is simple, it’s a public temper tantrum. Drama is to get attention. Does it work? Yes, for those who need attention as well or trying to avoid the public embarrassment of another’s tantrum. When someone is fearful or scared, if they don’t have a healthy form of release, it comes out as a dramatic outburst.

You will see people become argumentative, hurtful, disrespectful, and sometimes cruel. It’s this intentional? I don’t believe so. I believe most people are pure and loving but due to years of insecurity in one or many areas of their life, they feel less than whole.

So to fill that hole, they reach outside of themselves to find someone to provide a patch. Unfortunately, this lasts only as long as the fuel provider has enough to provide for both. Once they start to become depleted of their own energy and joy to fill up another, they retreat, only to frustrate the first person needing the refuel. Thus, without being filled up by another, they begin to feel empty again and fear surfaces again. Stimulating another dramatic tantrum.

Others will partake in the drama when it’s disrupting their own life, so they can avoid another tantrum.

This is the cycle of drama. If you don’t want it, don’t fuel it! Let them work out their own fear. Then you can focus on you and making you happy!

Brightest Blessings

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