

Become aware of habits that are holding you back from growing. ~.Daune​


OpenMind Nothing is either good or bad, only thinking makes is it so.-Shakespear Right/wrong, Good/bad, Mine/yours... Which is right? ALL OF THEM! What is good for YOU, isn't necessarily right for another. Be content with that. -Daune

spoken words

A Tree grows if watered daily. The power of the Spoken Word... your words are like water or pesticide...they grow or kill what's inside you. Every day declare for yourself what you want in life. Declare what you truly deserve as though you have…


Sayings remain meaningless until they are embodied in habits.-K. Gibran Saying "I Deserve It" repeatedly makes a habit in your mind, Doing what you deserve makes the habit Real. Stop restricting yourself, go get what you deserve today-Daune …